Our Team

Here at Find Your Feet we believe that sharing the best brands and products is only part of what we do. We also believe that having the best team to help you with your individual adventure needs is crucial. Lucky for us, we believe we have a diverse, knowledgeable and friendly team that are truly interested in helping you.

Be wilder, to play wilder, to perform wilder
One thing I couldn't live without: Outside time
Favourite quote/saying: By Robert Frost - "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
Earliest memory I have of playing wilder: I grew up on a farm as a proud Tomboy. But I really found my feet running the Overland Track 82km as an 18-year-old, with not a lot of skill but a whole lot of willingness.
Favourite way to be wilder: To scare myself by doing things that are slightly beyond the limits of my comfort-zone - running on wilder ‘trails’ is still my preferred mode of transport.
Secret Hobbies: Learning, writing, drinking tea, going to bed early like a nana, climbing, riding, living in our van and avoiding being inside as much as possible.
My Top 3 favourite places to explore in Tassie:
1. West Coast Tasmania
2. Great Western Tiers from Mole Creek
3. Central Plateau
Mission Dreams for 2019: To write a book that assists others to be, play & perform wilder; and to plan another wild mission in Tasmania.
The one song I could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life: Arctic Lake’s track - Friend
Favourite piece of clothing/gear and why: My new The North Face Hyperair Rain Jacket because it literally was a game changer - it gave me the confidence that I could run wilder and remain warm, dry and safe
What gets me out of bed in the morning is… an absolute love of living in my own shoes - of being outside, scheming adventures, assisting others, loving and being loved, and creating with our FYF Team..
Be outside as much as possible
Favourite quote/saying: Keep it simple stupid :)
One thing I couldn't live without: Sunshine
Favourite book: Touching the Void by Joe Simpson
Current favourite shoes: Salomon S-Lab Sense Ultra
Three things I consistently do to make everyday great: Smile, play & drink coffee!
Goals for 2019: More adventures, more frequently
Morning or night person: Neither :)
Mountain bike or road bike: Mountain Bike
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert
Tea or coffee: Coffee
A perfect weekend consists of: Somewhere wild in the mountains
Favourite piece of outdoor gear/clothing: Patagonia Nano-Air Hoody
If I could change anything in the world today it would be: We all eat less, exercise more and with greater consideration for the natural world around us..

Keep life balanced and enjoy it.
One thing I couldn't live without: My morning cup of tea..........and my camera.......and my mountain bike, ok that's three but they're all really important!
Favourite quote/saying: Be kind to yourself and be true to yourself.
Earliest memory I have of playing wilder: Those family trips exploring every corner of Bruny Island.
Favourite way to be wilder: Heading out to capture an epic photo during the morning light, my favourite part of the day. Weekly epic mountain bike rides.
Secret Hobbies: Board games, yep those new modern ones, they're awesome!
My Top 3 favourite places to explore in Tassie:
South West National Park, epic mountains to climb.
The West Coast, so many hidden wonders to find.
The Meehan Range, it's constantly changing with new mountain bike trails to explore.
Mission Dreams for 2019: A Winter snow photography trip up Mount Anne.
The one song I could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life: Ok it's a whole album but Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Volume 1, it totally says it in the name.
Favourite piece of clothing/gear and why: My One Planet Strezlecki bush walking pack. An amazing supportive harness to carry loads big or small and the materials used are bomb proof. One Planet's philosophy of "Make it good, make it work, make it last" is embedded in this bag. Icebreaker merino products, you can use them for anything and everything...................plus no ironing!
What gets me out of bed in the morning is... Well apart from the birds who live outside my bedroom window, getting to share the adventure with my partner, she's an amazing individual.

Following the path of mountains, cheese and chocolate will keep you smiling...
One thing I couldn't live without: MOUNTAINS!
Favourite quote/saying: it’s going off like a fresh milkshake
Earliest memory I have of playing wilder: skiing in the backyard of our family home
Favourite way to be wilder: backcountry snowboarding in the Swiss alps
Secret Hobbies: best to keep them secret ;)
My Top 3 favourite places to explore in Tassie:
1.Florentine Valley
2.Cradle Mountain
Mission Dreams for 2019: Running the Overland Track and climbing in the Tyndall Range
The one song I could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life: Wonderful life by Seeed
Favourite piece of clothing/gear and why: My Sea To Summit Micro sleeping bag (it means I was outside all day and happy and tired sleeping somewhere awesome).
What gets me out of bed in the morning is...the excitement of a new day and a hearty breakfast.

Don't sweat the small stuff.... or at least try not to!
One thing I couldn't live without: my children - actually that's 3 things!
Favourite quote/saying: Carpe Diem - seize the day
Earliest memory I have of playing wilder: jumping of the rowing club deck into the Derwent River up at New Norfolk. I thought I was soooo brave.
Favourite way to be wilder: bushwalking
Secret Hobbies: couch potato
My Top 3 favourite places to explore in Tassie:
1. Lake Pedder
2. Southport
3. West Coast
Mission Dreams for 2019: getting to the top of Australia, Bamaga.
The one song I could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life: Flame Trees by Cold Chisel.
Favourite piece of clothing/gear and why: old brown jumper I wear at home when relaxing. It's not allowed out of the house, but is my comforter at home.
What gets me out of bed in the morning is... Boot camp! urgh

If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel. (U2, Mysterious Ways)
One thing I couldn't live without: Family - Most Wonderful Husband Clinton and Most Awesome Step Children Alec, Emily and Henry.
Favourite quote/saying: Those who shine from within don’t need the spotlight.
Favourite way to be wilder: Snow, wild weather, a mountain and my husband has proved to be a winning combination time and time again.
Secret Hobbies: Being a Recce Queen. I love spending time exploring, researching and writing copious notes before embarking on anything new. Preparing ferociously sets me free to confidently enjoy wild places, challenges and adventures.
My Top 3 favourite places to explore in Tassie:
1. Pine Hut Plain - where Clint and I married beside the Mersey River.
2. Western and Eastern Arthurs – a beautiful yet brutal setting for wild and epic adventures.
3. kunanyi - especially when she is covered in snow and has the wild stuff going on up top.
Mission Dream for 2019: In August I completed my 20 year Mission Dream of a 62km Solo Winter Overland Track Run in 11 hours. It has been said that if you can dream it you can do it, but this Mission reminded me that dreams often guide us into journeys that are exceedingly abundantly greater than anything we could have ever asked for or imagined in the first place.
The one song I could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life: ‘Eye of the Tiger’ by Survivor - Corny as hec but pretending to be Sylvester Stallone has never failed to produce all time PB run times.
Favourite piece of clothing/gear and why: Salomon Trail Running Vest Pack – Everything you need for 24hrs+ is within arm’s reach. Seriously considering wearing mine all waking hours as it is practical beyond running. Would be handy for work, grocery shopping, visiting friends… What gets me out of bed in the morning... Faith, joy and funny stuff.