Hannah Clark
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Today we sit down with Hannah Clark. Can we just say straight up that we’d forgive you for thinking that Hannah is much older than her 25 years, especially with her mature approach to life. The way she manages to balance studying to become a doctor with training, and how she overcomes setbacks or sudden changes in direction, is truly inspiring. Hannah is a humble and grounded person and we feel this podcast will speak to all of you.
“Day to day it’s about listening to your body. Some things you can’t change, I have to be at the hospital at 7am in the morning…. some days that’s standing or walking all day with minimal food, so your training has to adjust to that. It’s about not ever being too rigid about things and also just being organised.”
“I have always loved running. My Mum and Dad used to run every morning together and being one of four kids with full time working parents, if you wanted time with just your mum and dad – that was the time to go. It was like 5:30am in the morning, and we might have had our lab with us too. So that was probably where it started from…they were so joyful doing it and the dog was so joyful doing it. It was this fun thing to do! I’ve always run just for pleasure and myself.”
We hope you enjoy this conversation and it makes you reflect on how you balance everything in your life.